Do you remember how uncertain you were about behaving during social interactions when you were young? Probably, every communication was laden with some awkwardness. Does this still happen to you now?

Well, only a few of us are absolutely confident and have the right gesture for every occasion. Most of us get caught up in uncomfortable social interactions, ponderous silences, and misjudged hugs. We’re here to help you escape those cringe-worthy moments and get better at meeting people without embarrassment.

1. Practice for social interactions

Social interactions are inevitable. You need to have social skills to survive in a society. Like any other exercise, you can only get better at something with practice. The key is to meet new people and try having simple conversations, especially if you are socially unskilled. The more you have face-to-face conversations, the easier it will get. Now, you won’t randomly find people on the road to talk. You will have to consider finding secured spaces where you can work on your social skills. An excellent place to start is in an environment where you are a customer. Make small talk with your food serves, bartender, or coffee barista.

2. Listen Carefully

One of the best ways to deal with cramped social interaction is to listen carefully when conversing with someone. Most of the time, you fail to behave correctly because you don’t listen carefully, miss out on essential speeches, and end-up speaking something irrelevant. Try concentrating and do not zone out while communicating.

3. Make Eye Contacts

Lack of eye contact during any social interaction makes you seem not interested. If you have ever attended any live presentation or a stand-up show, you might have noticed that the host makes eye contact with the entire audience. Having eye contact makes you more confident. People tend to agree with you when you maintain eye contact while speaking to them. But at the same time, ensure that you don’t stare at them. That can be annoying. Create positive eye contact, and you’ll be less self-conscious.

4. Ask Questions

Conversations are a two-way street. If only one of you is speaking, the chat is bound to become uncomfortable. Asking questions shows that you are interested in the discussion, and you are seeking their agreement. And if possible, ask open-ended questions, where the answer is more than just a yes or a no. This will make your interaction a little more interesting.

5. Acknowledge awkwardness and move on

Sometimes, it isn’t you – it is the situation that is inopportune. You probably cannot do anything about it, so why not embrace it? Those eerie, uncomfortable elevator rides with your colleagues you barely know can be embarrassing. No one knows how to handle such a situation, and everyone feels weird. The best call here is to embrace the moment and move on. Accept that awkwardness, and don’t get too involved.

The Bottom Line

There is nothing wrong with being awkward during social interactions, but it is essential to overcome it. At some point in life, you might experience that touchy moment, and that’s okay. If you feel that you are doing fine, don’t change. But if it bothers you, the above techniques will help you shine throughout. Start small and practice daily. Gradually, you will notice that you are becoming confident during any social interaction.