Implantation Cramping

Majority of women usually put much focus on their human bodies when they are expecting to get pregnant. Some of them even hope to experience the real magical moment when either an embryo or a fertilized egg attaches itself on the uterus. Consequently, it results in spotting and mild cramping. These cramps are normally referred to as implantation cramping.

Medical studies have also shown that about 30% of all expectant mothers mostly experience early signs and symptoms of implantation cramping.

Experiences/feelings of Implantation Cramping

To begin, this process is a mild sensation. When you feel intense bleeding and cramping occurring between menstrual cycle, you are advised to see your doctor. A point to note is that implantation cramping is normally imperceptible. For those who feel this process, it is always considered as either a sensation of pulling on the side, tingling or just pricking.

From a medic point of view, the whole process of implantation cramping shouldn’t be felt easily as the fertilized egg/embryo is normally two millimeters in diameter. The intensity has to be low although the sensation majorly relies on every woman’s pain entrance. Generally, this process normally goes undetected.

Areas you feel/experience implantation cramps

Cramps is mainly felt in the lower side of the abdomen by women. Other women feel implantation back pain. This pain also happens during menstrual period or your ovulation period. Back pain usually originates in the reproductive part of women and it normally radiates to their back.

The process of implantation cramping

As the ovaries release eggs, they get fertilized by the sperm. The fertilized egg then moves to the fallopian tubes and later on to the womb. When it reaches the uterus, the fertilized egg attaches itself and embeds into the womb’s lining. It then creates a stable and safe foundation for it to grow. Consequently, it breaks blood vessels hence leading to either the light spotting or bleeding.

Difference between Implantation bleeding and Menstrual Period bleeding

Implantation bleeding is different from regular menstrual period bleeding.

As earlier mentioned, implantation bleeding usually occurs due to slight rupturing of uterine lining as the fertilized egg settles in. The blood usually moves towards the birth canal and comes out pink or brown. Note that, there has to be little blood that is in company with the implantation process. The moment this is over, bleeding stops immediately and it never progresses.

If it happens that bright red blood comes out and it keeps flowing intensely, this a complete signal of menstrual period bleeding.

Beginning period of Implantation Cramps

It usually starts between two and seven days prior to menstruation period and it is usually a big sign of conception in women.

Lasting Period of Implantation Cramping

The whole process of implantation cramps usually lasts between one and three days. As soon as the process is over, the bleeding and cramping end. If the process intensifies, you are encouraged to consult a physician. The cramping is normally brief. Implantation cramping can last for a short period of time. It can disappear for a single day and then come back.

Other signs and symptoms associated with implantation cramps

One can experience either fatigue, lightheadedness or breast sensitivity. Once implantation occurs, there is a general transformation in a woman’s psychological and physical condition.

It is important to appreciate the fact that, most women do not notice their pregnancy easily. It is always crucial to check out with your doctor.