When being in love and in a relationship is considered to be bliss. Some men are still single. A part of them has solemnly taken the decision of being single whereas the other part has no other way rather than being single. Here are some reasons why men are still single.

The ‘Ex’ Factor

Most men stay single because of the previous relationship struggles they have gone through. When there are some men who come out of their ex-relationship and carry on with their life. A major part of men is not able to forget the lovely memories they share with their ex. The fact of being left off clings on to them like forever. They literally lose their faith in love and also their belief in girls. This makes them stay single.

Lacks Self Confidence

If you want to win over a girl and be a relationship, you need to be strongly confident in yourself. When you don’t have the confidence that it takes to be in a relationship, you are never going to be in with a girl.

Family problems

Not every guy is gifted with a family that is devoid of problems. There are a lot of families where they have an issue with money and health. Men from these families don’t have the freedom and luxury that it takes to be in with a girl. When it comes to choosing between the girl you love and your family, it will definitely be your family.

Being Independent

When you are in a relationship, you need to sacrifice and share stuff. This kind of invades your private space killing your independence. Most men like to be independent. They want to be the master of their own decisions. Also, they don’t want to miss the fun with their friends, hanging around and traveling with them. Obviously, men don’t have the time and health to enjoy with their friends after 30’s. So they prefer being single and independent at least for time being.

Career problems

How many people are blessed with a stress-free job? Probably a very few of them. Not all people do the jobs they like. We are forced to take the job that we are left with. When these guys are handling the pressures of their job, they are left with minimum time which can never be spent peacefully with their love interest. When one part of the world is busy with their career, the other part is looking out for a job. It is too difficult to get a job in this competitive world. This scenario is worse than the first one. These people have greater problems in life than to be in a relationship.

Reality Vs Expectation

The world is full of expectations. Expectations lead to disappointment. This is because there is a sad reality to every expectation. If the expectation seems to be a possible one then there is no harm to those expectations. But sadly they are not. Men are often burdened with huge expectations. Amongst these high hopes, there is no way he can afford to be in a relationship.


Personality has a great impact on a man being single. This is something very hard to digest. Personality in the sense covers not only one’s physical appearance but also a combination of his attitude, emotions, and behavior. It is not that a man has a worse personality; it is just because people have their own choices.

Having read all these reasons don’t just get into any assumptions. Be single or be in a relationship. It doesn’t matter. What does matter is, just be happy? That’s it.

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