Today, shopping has become something more than a hobby, more than a necessity. People pursue style and aesthetics. We spend more and more time online, so marketing and fashion have already stepped out of shop windows and settled in our email. In order for your emails to sell your products, you need to become a personal user image-maker. You must send not only discounts, but also fashionable bows. Share tips and help in finding the best image.

How to create an email in fashion industry

Periodicity. Your task – to flicker in the inbox, but not annoying. You should not send several letters daily: it is annoying. You can send about 3-5 emails per week: so you will always be visible, but you can give subscribers a rest from advertising.

Welcome-series. It is rude not say hello, even if you are going to send only letters about the offers. Make 1-3 welcome letters. This is enough for a welcome-chain for clothing stores.


What to write in the first emails? Campaign Monitor made infographics with ten essentials every welcome email should have. You can describe the terms of delivery, return, write about your values ​​and bonus programs.

Headlines. Smileys, numbers, CapsLock help to stand out in the box. It is good to use personalization and show subscribers thanks to the mailing list, they get great deals. However, do not write headlines in foreign languages ​​if it is not necessary, ​​users can scare it away.

Content. Letters written as fashion magazines – this is the main trend. Just do not forget that the mailing is not a poster. There should be a “buy” button, prices, links to social networks. However, it is also impossible to send emails without any text. First, spam filters can send a newsletter without text to Spam folder. Secondly, the subscriber is not should not guess why they received 10 pictures from you. If you do not say that these are photos from the presentation of the new collection, no one will guess about it. Topshop use email to introduce their new products and encourage buyers to ‘shop now’.


Last tip – make a useful newsletter. Each online store sends messages with promotions, but not everyone has instructions on the choice of trousers. Help the subscriber not only buy products on sale, but also create fashionable looks and a stylish wardrobe. Le Mer marketed their Moisture Collection, a compilation of 5 nourishing products, with this elegant email.


If you want a newsletter to work no matter what your business is – an online store, clinic or amusement park. Make a newsletter that will bring profit and lead loyal customers.