Botulinum Toxin, Type A is the minimally invasive and vastly used procedure in the cosmetic surgery around the world. Runs by the name Botox, it helps in treating wrinkles. However, if you look at the current trend and analysis from the past few years, the younger generation are opting for the same as a tool to prevent the formation of wrinkles in the first place. According to statistics, the age of the patients, which is increasing alarmingly, is between 20 and 35. The Preventative Botox treatment not only helps in reduction of wrinkles or its formation in later stages but also delivers smoothing skin by eliminating the fine lines.

What is the right age to start?

According to FDA, the right age to receive Botox injections starts at 18. The aging of the skin is different for different people and relies on several factors. Therefore, it is difficult to state the right time for a person. Due to this, the right age to receive Preventing Botox starts when an individual notice the signs of wrinkles or aging of the skin. It is feasible to notice the presence of the lines during the relaxed position.

What are the benefits?

When we speak about benefits, Botox has a significant role to play in reducing the wrinkles. Usually, people opt for the injection after lines appear on the skin. However, with Preventive Botox taking over at a faster rate, it is possible to avert the occurrence of skin aging at an early stage. Additionally, it will help retain the smooth skin even when an individual grows old. Keeping aside the cosmetic procedure alone, the Preventive Botox reaps rich benefits when used early.

The use of the Botox to remove wrinkles or occurrence of the same in the future in the forehead, crows feet, and between the eyebrows, it is likewise helpful in correcting the symmetrical features of the face. It means that a person can adjust the eyebrows arching, scowling mouth, and a gummy smile.

Using the Preventing Botox at the first sign of wrinkle helps in contraction of the facial muscles. Therefore, the action prevents in developing deep wrinkles, which makes it tough even after the use of the Botox in the future.

Administration of the Preventive Botox

Administering the course is necessary to reap benefits. Approach only certified professionals if you wish to opt for the Preventive Botox. They will record the details and notice the changes in the skin. According to the results obtained, they make the necessary adjustments and reduce the dose injected into the skin to ensure that there are no side effects in later stages.


The use of Preventive Botox is gaining hype because it avoids the occurrence of wrinkles in the first stage. Additionally, it allows the skin to remain smooth and retain the freshness in the future (above the age of 45+) while reducing the aging of the skin. All these factors are constituting to the growth of the use of the cosmetic injection in the younger generation.