For many women, aging is a scary concept. Not because they’re out of their minds or vain or obsessed with looks, but simply because we live in a world where women are not allowed to age, and where their worth is perceived to drop as they age. This is, of course, complete nonsense, but until we get that mindset fixed around the world, we need to help women feel their best in the skin they’re in. The first major skin change starts in puberty, and the second one comes in your thirties. So to have you prepared for the changes you’ll go through, here’s what to look for:

Slower regeneration

We know that skin is a big organ that changes and sheds cells regularly. But while that may have also been happening every week in your 20s, a decade later, your skin cells are regenerating at a much lower rate. This leads to two main issues: Dullness and dryness. Old cells don’t stay as moisturized as new ones, so you might want to up your moisturizing game and really get something that will deeply hydrate your skin. But mainly, you want to speed up the creation of new cells, and the best way to do that is exfoliation. You don’t want to overdo it, because it will damage the new baby cells, but exfoliating twice per week will shed the dead cells and reveal the radiant skin underneath.

Sun protection

The number one culprit for aging skin is the sun we all love so much. Not protecting your skin from the sun is what causes lines, sun-caused brown spots and all other issues that make you look older than you are. You need to apply sunscreen all over you, not only when you’re going to the beach, but every day, summer or winter. For your face, your best bet is to find a moisturizer with a high SPF and kill two birds with one stone.

Acne is coming back

Oh, you thought past your teenage years you won’t get acne? Sorry to tell you, but the 30s are when it will get worse. Your hormone levels are changing once again and this time, your skin isn’t as resilient and prepared to deal with the acne as it was when you were younger, so now you might actually get cystic acne. Do not try to deal with this one yourself, they are not the pimples of your youth. Go to your dermatologist and ask for the best course of action, follow up for treatments and add the acne step into your skincare routine.

Your skin is more sensitive

Unfortunately, as our bodies age, our defenses weaken, and your skin is now susceptible to a lot more irritation and redness. It just can’t handle all the different outside influences and needs more work. You need to start being serious about your skincare and sun protection. It’s time to grow out of the drugstore skincare brands and move on to something that feeds your skin and protects it against all the outside influences coming your way. Make sure you have a soap-free cleanser that doesn’t disturb your skin’s natural PH levels.

Try out different treatments

There are so many new technologies and treatments out there today that it can be impossible to try them all. But there are some that have time and time again proven to be successful, like microneedling. It’s a procedure where a roller with hundreds of tiny needles is rolled over your skin – which sounds horrible and painful, but it’s actually not, because the needles are so short. What this does is create microwounds all over your skin, which trigger your body’s natural healing response: releasing more of the chemicals that repair your skin’s elasticity and appearance. Look for procedures like that which use science and your body’s natural response rather than chemicals that fight against it.

All in all, as you age, you simply need to give more time and care to your skin than in your younger days. The products will get a bit more expensive and you’ll need to visit your dermatologist or beautician more frequently, but if you make this a part of your regular life’s routine, the changes that appear won’t be at all noticeable.