Who doesn’t love sipping on a glass of red wine? It’s tasty, it’s fun, and above all, it is super healthy. Sometimes one drink is just not enough to satisfy our wine cravings. The health benefits associated with this nectar of the gods are tremendous. Red wine lowers the risk of cardiovascular diseases, reduces the risk of strokes, and even helps in curbing the growth of cancerous cells. If consumed in moderate quantities, red wine works as a medicine for the heart.

But overconsumption of red wine can mean bad news for your dental health. Sometimes, just one glass is enough to accumulate red stains on your teeth. These stains can give a pinkish shade to your teeth. People with red wine stains often become excessively self-conscious about their smile, which then leads to a lack of confidence and even depression.

But why exactly should you be worried about red wine stains?

The answer is that the harmful effects of these stains are much more significant than just giving you a colorful smile. Moreover, the tannins and acid found in red wine are also dangerous. As wine is an acidic beverage, the acid present in it promotes enamel erosion. Tannin, an astringent compound, encourages the pigments to deposit on your teeth.

Since red wine has numerous health benefits, its consumption should not be discontinued entirely. These five tips and advice will help you in protecting your teeth from wine stains so that you can devour the drink without worsening your dental health.


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The stains and pigment that accumulate on your teeth after drinking red wine accelerate the production of plaque and tartar. Sometimes, these cannot be removed from regular brushing or flossing.

Therefore, you must ensure to visit your dentist for a thorough cleaning. Sometimes, plaque and tartar can impact more than just your teeth. These can severely affect your cardiovascular and respiratory health as well. Make sure your dentist has an ACLS certification to handle emergencies.


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Although it sounds boring to spend your time in brushing and flossing and not sipping down the red wine, by doing this, you’ll be doing your teeth a huge favor. Brushing and flossing can eliminate new plaque, tartar, or any other contaminants hidden between your teeth. Cleaning your teeth this way also reduces tooth decay and dental diseases.

Don’t brush exactly after a drink as enamel is more sensitive during this time. Wait for around thirty minutes before brushing so that your enamel can decalcify on its own. Instead, rinse your mouth vigorously after drinking.


Alcoholic drinks can have a drying effect on your mouth, which helps the acids in clinging to your teeth. Make sure you drink a glass of water after a glass of wine to curb any buildup of plaque. Furthermore, this will also keep you hydrated, which helps in reducing the hangover from an alcoholic drink. Some people recommend consuming carbonated water as they believe the fizz will help in scrubbing the wine stains from your teeth as it does on a shirt.


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There are certain food items that you can consume to enhance your dental strength. Foods rich in calcium like milk, green leafy vegetables, pulses, and seafood are essential in protecting the enamel.

Vitamin D found in egg yolks, cod oil, and tuna aids in the absorption of calcium.Eating while drinking his another way to get rid of those hard wine stains. Professionals advise that high fiber foods such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts can miraculously prevent wine stains.Eating hard cheese while drinking is a combination that every wine lover is aware of. But the benefits of cheese significantly surpass its use as an agent to accentuate the flavors of wine. Cheese helps in closing the micro-pores on the teeth, which creates a barrier against stains and acids. Hard cheese is also rich in calcium, which means it is beneficial for your enamel too.


You can use whitening toothpaste and other products to remove surface stains and to stop any new wine stains from depositing on your teeth. But make sure you research thoroughly before buying a whitening product. Home remedies like lemon juice which contains acid and baking soda which has abrasive qualities are also extremely dangerous for your dental health.


Red wine is an excellent drink for your mental and physical health. It reduces the risk of heart failure, works against cancerous cells, and even prevents Alzheimer’s. Red wine stains can harm your dental health. Following the tips mentioned above will help you in avoiding these stains.