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The yard is a place of zen in the home, a connection between your living space and nature. An excellent place to de-stress and disconnect from the modern world. That’s why it’s important to cultivate a healthy and attractive yard that you want to spend time in. However, not everyone can afford the large and impressive yards of the fabulously wealthy. But even a tiny yard is capable of being a fantastic showcase of your landscaping prowess. In fact, tiny yards carry some inherent advantages. They’re easier to manage, cozier, and if landscaped correctly, rival the most impressive massive yards. In today’s article, we’re going to outline a few of the ways that you can mold your relatively small yard into a stunning highlight of your home with a few simple tips and considerations. In particular, we will discuss assigning a function, simplicity, and building vertically.


When planning how to cultivate your yard into a more beautiful and effective space, we recommend you first decide on the focus and purpose of your yard. By having a clear conclusion and function that your yard will serve, the design will come more naturally and flow out of you more easily. For instance, you decide that the primary goal of your yard is to serve as a comfortable and cozy seating location for dinner parties in the spring and summer. This informs the decision about how much space you need to allocate for seating. Deciding on the yards function thus makes the whole area more cohesive, since all the elements you put into the yard work together towards your goal.

 Lead The Eye

Designs for Tiny Yards

After deciding on a functional use for your yard, you should decide on your yards main focal point. This should be easier after deciding your yards primary function. Designers tend to use leading elements to draw the eye to points of interest that the designer wants to highlight. We recommend that you do the same in your yard. For example, you want your yard to be a peaceful place that you can relax in. Maybe you also enjoy water features so you decide to put a water fountain into a corner. This way you can place elements in your yard that help ‘guide’ a viewer’s eye to your desired focal point. Winding gravel paths, lighting that grows in intensity near your focal point, and even a splash of brightly colored flowers around that fountain all help set it as a focal point.

Build Vertically

Since you can’t expand your yard horizontally, you can create the impression of a much larger space by building vertically. In particular, we recommend you play with different levels in your yard to create the illusion of more space. This isn’t too difficult to achieve. Expert landscape architects in Sydney suggest that one way to do this is to use plants of differing heights throughout your yard to create interest at different height points throughout the yard. If a viewer is busy looking up and down at all the elements you’ve managed to squeeze into your yard, they won’t notice the relatively small space that they’re entering. Besides using plants of differing heights, try constructing other elements at different heights for the same effect. Making a raised seating area in a corner and a fountain that’s lower down in another corner creates that expanded sense of space that we’re looking for.


3.Designs for Tiny Yards

Because you’re limited in space, it’s extremely important that you avoid overfilling your yard to prevent creating a sense of feeling cramped. In particular, we recommend a minimalist approach to fill your yard. After settling on a function for your yard, you should begin to carefully consider what goes into the yard and where. Since you’re working with a tight space, try to keep items in your yard to a minimum. To help in doing this, we recommend the use of lists. Make a list of everything that you want to keep in your yard and begin to plan where you would keep it and whether there is enough space. Then begin to remove as many items as you possibly can from that list. The lower the number of items that you can get on that list, the more focused and less cluttered your yard will feel. It will also free up space for more design elements to spice your yard up and make it more attractive!

While you may not have a large and flexible yard, that shouldn’t stop you from cultivating the yard of your dreams. By making a focused function and sticking with it, you can create a plan that drives that function home and enhances it. Carefully use the space available to you, make your yard seem larger than it is with vertical building, and you’re guaranteed to create a space that you’ll enjoy for years to come.