Halloween is the time for dressing up, spooky decorations, and best of all, candy. But if you’ve just had dental work done, you might be wondering whether or not you can indulge in the various goodies and treats that go along with the holiday.
Having dental implants doesn’t mean you can’t indulge, but you do need to be cautious in what you choose to snack on. Here is everything you need to know about eating Halloween candy with dental implants.

Why Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a substitute for a lost tooth. However, unlike other replacement options, a dental implant is securely connected to your jawbone––meaning you can eat and indulge the same way you would with your original teeth.

A dental implant replacement makes daily tasks, like eating and talking, easier. With a dental implant, you’re free to enjoy Halloween candy.

Unfortunately, this isn’t a free ticket to snack away at your entire trick-or-treat stash in one sitting. You still need to be aware of certain kinds of candy and treats that can damage your dental implant, as well as your other teeth.

What Candies should be Avoided?

According to dental implants expert, Dr. Marc Lazare, individuals with dental implants should be especially careful about chewy, tacky, or hard candies. These gummy or sticky candies can become stuck to the teeth easier, meaning it can remain in the mouth longer and cause more tooth decay and damage.

Hard candies can actually break a tooth––even a dental implant––if you’re not careful. Be careful of biting extremely hard candies, like jawbreakers. Let the candy dissolve rather than trying to crunch through.

If gummy or hard candies are your favorite, you don’t need to avoid them completely. However, you should take extra steps to properly rinse your mouth after indulging. Brush, floss, and rinse your mouth with mouthwash to ensure you’re removing all sugar particles from your mouth.

You should also be aware of sour candies, which can be especially acidic. If the acidity is left on your teeth for too long, it can cause some irreparable damage.

What Candies are Fine if I Have Dental Implants?

According to HealthyMouth.org, your best bet for indulging in Halloween candy is chocolate. Chocolate is usually less sticky than things like gummy bears or hard candies, so your teeth are exposed to less sugar. You also don’t run the risk of breaking an implant or tooth because it is not as hard.

However, you need to be careful about the chocolates you choose. Chocolate with caramel or other sticky components can cause similar damage as sticky or gummy candy. Things like nuts can also be hard to bite through and may cause damage.

If you’re a fan, go for dark chocolate. Dark chocolate contains less sugar than milk chocolate, meaning it will be less damaging to your teeth.
Sugar-free candy is also a great option for maintaining oral health and keeping your dental implants in strong condition. If you have the option, reach for sugar-free.

What other steps can I take to protect my dental implants from damage while eating Halloween candy?

MouthHealthy.org also recommends treating your dental implant the same way you’d treat your original teeth, which means taking proper care to ensure bacteria can’t build up. When eating sugary Halloween candy, here are a few things you can do to promote and maintain a healthy mouth.

  1. Drink lots of water.

Water helps flush sugar from the mouth, preventing it from lingering on your teeth and gums and causing damage. While you don’t need to worry about sugar damaging your dental implants the same way, you should still take extra care to ensure your gums and original teeth aren’t harmed.

When eating Halloween candy, drink lots of water. Look for kinds that are fluoridated to provide additional help preventing tooth decay.

  1. Eat candy with other meals.

Your saliva production increases during meals, which can help cancel out the acids and rinse away food particles more efficiently. This means eating your Halloween candy with other meals can actually help protect your teeth.
Treat your Halloween treats like a desert and eat it immediately following a meal.

  1. Be smart about your choices.

We already covered the ways you can choose the best Halloween candy for your teeth, but you also want to be smart about how much you’re eating. Eating tons of candy in one sitting can not only lead to a bellyache, but it can cause more damage to your teeth than just eating one or two pieces.

For the sake of your oral health, be smart about how much you’re eating. Don’t overindulge.

  1. Brush twice a day.

As always, brush your teeth at least twice a day––especially if you’re eating sugary snacks. This helps to remove the sugar from on and around your teeth, preventing it from turning into tooth decaying bacteria.

Don’t forget to clean between your teeth as well. Flossing can remove bacteria from between the teeth where your toothbrush struggles to reach.


Having dental implants doesn’t mean you can’t partake in Halloween traditions like eating candy and sweet snacks, but you need to be smart about the choices that you make. Hard or sticky candies can pull at your teeth or even cause an implant to break, which can be both painful and costly to replace.

If you’re looking for something sweet, reach for something chocolate. Dark chocolate is always best, but if you’re not a fan, choose a chocolate treat that doesn’t contain sticky bits like caramel.

Finally, after eating your Halloween candy, rinse your mouth with water or brush and floss your teeth––especially if you’ve selected something sticky or tacky. Do what you can to remove the sugar from your teeth and implant it.