Every woman wants perky breasts. If you have sagging breasts, or if your nipples point downward, a plastic surgeon can help you achieve these goals through a breast lift procedure.

According to William A. Ross, Naples’ expert in breast lift surgery, the procedure involves removing breast skin and reshaping the breast tissue. Your surgeon may make several incisions around the areola and along the breast creases to shift the nipples and shrink the size of your areolae.

For most women, breast lifts yield pleasing results and require little recovery time. The procedure takes two to three hours, and you don’t have to stay in the clinic overnight. However, the final results from your procedure (sans all of the swelling and bruising) may not be visible for at least 3 months. If you get implants, a full recovery can take 6 months or longer.

So what can you do to speed up the healing?

Post-Surgical Assistance

Although recovering from a breast lift is not difficult, it is still major surgery. After your procedure, you may be groggy from the anesthesia. You will need help getting home, and someone should take care of you overnight.

The first week is typically the most uncomfortable. Your doctor will prescribe narcotic medications for pain. During this time:

  • Avoid doing any heavy lifting
  • Do not attempt to drive until all pain medications are done
  • Sleep propped up at an angle to minimize swelling

Taking proper care of your new body is essential to having a successful outcome. Having a friend or family member around to help you with household chores and/or care for your children avoids placing any unnecessary stress on the body. After the first three to seven days, most women can ease any pain with an OTC painkiller. Most women can expect to return to desk jobs a week post-surgery.

Meticulous Wound Care

The skin is a shield against infectious agents. Any tears in the skin increase your risk of infection – after surgery, you are more susceptible to infection. Hospitals instill rules and protocols to prevent infections during surgery; however, they can also occur during the recovery period if you do not keep the incision sites clean and dry. Infections that happen after surgery can make you extremely ill and result in severe complications.

Luckily, the risk of infection after a breast lift is low, and there are a few simple things that you can do to help mitigate this risk. According to the CDC, you can combat surgical site infections by:

  • Washing your hands before touching surgical sites.
  • Ensuring any visitors, friends, or family members wash their hands before and after seeing you.
  • Following your post-operative care instructions provided for you by your surgeon.
  • Asking your doctors any questions that you have about post-op care before leaving the hospital.
  • Immediately contact your doctor if you develop any signs of infection (pain, redness, pus, drainage, or fever).

You should inspect your wounds every day for signs of an infection. Most stitches are taken out a week after your surgery, but some are absorbable. Avoid submerging your incisions sites until all scabs disappear, which is typically about two weeks. Furthermore, refrain from driving for at least three days to prevent straining incision sites.

Buy a Recovery Bra

Bras are mandatory at all times following surgery, so you should invest in a post-surgical recovery bra. These compression garments play a substantial role in the healing process and the overall results. They are designed to maximize comfort, promote lymph drainage, and increase circulation. The purpose of a recovery bra is to apply enough pressure to help minimize swelling and maintain the projected breast shape and position.

Recovery bras come in several styles, fabrics, and fits. Important features to look for include:

  • Adjustable straps
  • Front-facing zippers, clasps, or velcro closures
  • Breathable fabric
  • No hard lining or underwire

Try to find a bra with a shape that is compatible with your incisions. This prevents excess strain on the incision sites, which causes irritation and impedes healing.

Rest and Hydrate

A full night’s rest is something that most adults do not get. However, resting after your breast lift is extremely important. Make sure you have a room where you will not be disturbed, with a comfortable bed, a lot of pillows, and some activities to help pass the time. Although you will be able to walk immediately after the procedure, make sure you listen to your body and take it easy throughout your recovery.

Restricting unnecessary movement is important for healing, so make sure you have a stock of easy-to-make meals and snacks before your procedure. Anesthesia may make you nauseous after surgery, so look for soft, light foods. Healthy foods and snacks supply your body with the nutrients it needs to heal.

Keep your kitchen stocked with water and aim to drink 8-10 glasses per day. Constipation and dehydration are common after surgery. Staying hydrated help maintain energy levels and move your bowels.

Are you ready to reveal the new and more confident you? If you are considering a breast lift or trying to explore other cosmetic procedures, contact our office to schedule your consultation with Dr. Ross today.