When I talk about cosmetics I always have to look at my pocket how far I can go. Now a days the pollution is increasing and been a modern and working women, we has to deal with this pollution regularly. And then we go to beauty palour and spend lots of money and it not all there is always a fear of side effect while applying those harmful chemical on our skin.

But girls why to fear when I am here. When I was kid I always hear my grand maa saying switch to natural cosmetics to my mom but with the time when I grow up I released that she was so correct. The care and health of skin can be improved by using the basic ingredients available at home.

There are following cosmetics tips that you can create from the available ingredient in kitchen.

1) To remove blackheads from the skin we need a scrubber. But do you know girls using besan (Channa flour) is the best scrubs available which can beat any best available market scrubs. I myself have applying this and it fab.


 2) When I talk about anti-aging cream Papaya is the best replacement. Mash a Papaya and mix it until it goes not get a cream curd layer out of that. Apply it thoroughly and risen it well. It’s a anti -aging face pack and you will stay young forever.


3) When I talk about a glower then this pack is one of the best available options in form of kitchen remedies. Combination of the mint shrubberies and cucumber in a mixer. This will bring a shine on your skin.


4) To remove spots and blemishes we use lots of expensive cream but result is not so effective. It can give temporary result. You just switch to the tomato juice it’s a slow but a permanent solution for spots removal. Apply the tomato juice on your face and allow it to dry and then risen it. Repeat this process daily result would be in front of you.


 5) When you talk about glowing creams. Almond which is rich in vitamins and it help in radiating your skin and gives you a glowing skin and this has no side effects. You simply need to apply almond oil to your face in night and in morning was it off with cold water. No creams and cosmetics can do this.


6) Whitening cream can be replaced by a turmeric and curd mixer. You just simply need to use the curd and turmeric mixtures as a face wash daily and then clean your face with the besan scrubs. It will whiten up your skin.


7) Aloe Vera is also an agent for making your skin healthy.  Scratch a leaf of aloe vera and extract out the gel portion. Spread it over your face, allow it to dry for 10- 15 minutes and wash thoroughly.


These few tip and cut short your long cosmetics bills. And it is less expensive as well as healthier cosmetics replacement with no side effects.

Happy changeover.