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We all know yogurt is jam-packed with protein, calcium, vitamins and help in digestion. It has lot of advantages on health and it’s yummy to eat even. But not only our health is benefited from yogurt, in fact our skin has numerous profits from it. Applying yogurt on regular basis will surely give natural glowing skin. The white creamy delicious yogurt has high level of lactic acid which is totally beneficial for healthy skin.  To know the wonders what yogurt can do to your skin, scroll down to its effective skin properties.

  1. Acts as a natural moisturizer

Is your skin dry? Want to avoid using chemical mixed cream to moisturize your skin. Well yogurt is best alternative instead of moisturizer cream. Massage your face with bit of yogurt and then leave it for ten minutes to get it dry. Wash your face and get the soft as butter skin with new shine on your face.

  1. Aids in reducing tanning and skin discoloration

Every summer, direct sun heat makes your skin dark and black. Yogurt has mild bleaching properties and helps in reducing tanned skin. Rub few tablespoons of yogurt blend with squeeze of lemon juice in it for 20-25 minutes. Use this method twice- thrice a week every summer to get back your radiant, fair -looking skin.

  1. Fight pimples and acne

Yogurt has anti- bacterial and anti- fungal properties.  It helps in fighting against bacteria, germs, fungus from the body. So, it totally helps in getting rid of acne and pimples. All you need to wipe out those nasty blotches is applying creamy yogurt on red marks. Leave it for 30 minutes and wash your face to get flawless skin. Consuming yogurt regularly will always prevent you from getting bacteria and acne.

  1. Anti ageing properties

The lactic acid in yogurt is amazingly beneficial. Its anti aging properties fight against free radicals and keep away you from fine lines and wrinkles for longer age. Usage for yogurt natural-made face mask will always makes you look younger.

  1. Eliminate dead skin cells

Yogurt is also natural scrub as well. Mix two table spoon of yogurt with one table spoon of oats and scrub on your face to exfoliate the dead skin.  Purge your face properly with water and apply cream or moisturizer.

  1. Sunburn relief

The zinc in yogurt helps to cure sunburn. Add few drops of chamomile essential oil in plain yogurt. Apply the paste on affected area and leave for 10-20 minutes. The harsh bite of sunburn will just cool down and you will have relief and comfort even.

  1. Skin brightener

Is your complexion bit dull and dark? Want to make it lively and brighter. Few drops of lemon or orange juice mix with yogurt will bring a new spark on your face.

  1. Hand and foot scrub

Scrub the Mixture of ground walnut and yogurt on your foot and hand. It will prevent from calluses and improve the texture of the skin.

Well now if you know the numerous benefits for yogurt then surely now you’ll eat yogurt and even use it on skin. It’s time to go natural to get the shiny, cheerful, dazzling look.

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