Enjoying regular quality sleep each night is absolutely as imperative as getting consistent exercise and having a healthy diet. In fact, experts have established that those who suffer from poor sleep will endure immediate negative effects on hormones, performance in terms of exercising ability and most notably – brain function.

What’s more, did you know that low-quality sleep can lead on to increased weight and a heightened risk of disease; both for adults and children alike?

On the flipside, good, healthy, regular sleep has the capability to aid in you eating the right amounts, exercise better and also have a feeling of being healthier, all with improved general well-being too.

It’s clear to see that in the frantic lives people lead these days, sleep quality and indeed quantity has seen a drop-off. If you want to avoid falling into this prevalent trap that many do so often, and give your health, happiness and weight a priority, then getting a good night’s sleep is one of the biggest things you can do to secure this in your life.

Here are four of the best evidence-supported tips for you to take away that will help you get a better night’s sleep.

Decrease Exposure to Blue Light in the Night-Time

Essentially, exposure trouble light in the evening tricks the brain into thinking it’s daytime.

This is due to the impact afflicted on your circadian rhythm (your body’s internal sleep/wake ‘clock’) and the end result of this is that by being exposed to the blue light it reduces vital sleep-supporting hormones like melatonin, which will help you naturally relax and get the required deep sleep you need to stay healthy.

Blue light is emitted from electronic devices like smartphones, tablets, computers and TVs, and it comes in big amounts, therefore, making them the worst culprits for blue light exposure.

There are a number of easy-to-adopt methods that have been supplied from Sarah Cummings, an experienced sleep-based writer from SleepAdvisor.Org that you can use to lower night-time exposure to blue light, including:

  • Stop using devices and looking at screens such as these two hours before heading to bed.
  • Wear glasses that have a blue light-blocking lens.
  • Using night mode on Android and Apple phones (Apple Macs/iPads too)

Introduce a Solid Sleep/Wake Time

Your body’s circadian rhythm works through aligning itself with sunrise and sunset. It’s like a nice little loop that you have programmed in when you were made, but you can readjust your sleep clock – just as long as it is consistent when it comes to your sleep and waking times. Doing this will serve to help you massively as far as your long-term sleep quality is concerned.

Researchers conducted a study that found those who participated who had irregular sleeping patterns and went to bed late on the weekends came back with reports of reduced sleep, both in terms of quality and quantity).

Furthermore, studies have pointed out that people with irregular sleep patterns can alter circadian rhythms and melatonin levels; both of which signals your brain to sleep. So, if you struggle with your sleep, make an effort to form a habit whereby you go to bed and wake up at similar times.

Enhance Your Bedroom Environment to Form a Sleep Sanctuary

It’s not just websites that need optimising these days! Making sure that you have optimised your bedroom space can be the difference in finding sound slumber and drifting off after a prolonged period of trying.

What do you need to do to create this sleep-focused sanctuary? Well, start by getting the temperature at the right level, get the noise reduced to a minimum, cancel out external light as much as possible and think about how you set up your room.

Experts have highlighted that noise, light and sound are all known factors in disrupting good-quality sleep. One study on bedroom environments showed that in the region of 50% of participants recorded a raised quality of sleep when noise and light were lessened.

Tips to make your bedroom a sleep haven are:

  •      Install blackout blinds/curtains
  •      Minimise external noise (use earplugs if need be)
  •      Keep phones, TVs and even artificial light from things such as alarm clocks out of the bedroom
  •      Have soft colours, and gentle features

Regulate Your Bedroom’s Temperature

Having an irregular or uncomfortable body and bedroom temperature can have a massive impact on the way in which you sleep and the quality gained. For example, it can be super tricky to enjoy a good night’s sleep when the room is too warm.

A study carried out on this subject found that that increased body and bedroom temperature has the ability to decline sleep quality and escalate wakefulness.

As such, the recommended optimum room temperature is between 18°C and 21°C. this allows for people’s preferences as we’re not all the same, but this is a good gauge to work by to ensure you sleep effectively.